Christophe Millner (Chris) has been involved in Martial Arts for over 30 years. He started Judo lessons at age 9 and fell in love with Martial Arts. At age 15, when he was living in Barstow, California, a YMCA opened up and offered a class in Karate Kung Fu. The Instructor was Henry Gutierrez who became a mentor to Chris. The style of this type of martial arts is a mix of Kenpo Karate, Sil Lum, Choy li fut, Wing Chun & Hung Gar Kung Fu. Chris was hooked! He received his black belt 5 years later. Chris has been teaching ever since. He continues with his own studies with Master Instructor James Ibrao. James’ web site is if you would like to read about Master Ibrao and some of the history of this art. Grand Master James Wing Woo,
Martial arts are the best for youth sport training, for all sports. Chris teaches the art to help coordination, strength, power & self-esteem.
Chris now teaches at the Santa Barbara Rec Center and the Solvang Veterans Hall.
He also teaches private lessons.
Corporate Martial Arts in Santa Barbara: Chris also teaches Tai Chi and Martial Arts to employees in the Santa Barbara, Goleta, Ventura area, helping employers get better productivity from their employees.
For more information please call 805-570-2580 or E-mail